Marvel Comics Presents (1988)


Released every two weeks, Marvel Comics Presents was an anthology series that ran four stories per issue in 8-page chapters. In 1991, Ghost Rider was awarded the headlining spot on the title, shared in a flip-book style with Wolverine. Following the "Siege of Darkness" crossover in 1994, Ghost Rider was replaced in MCP by Vengeance, who starred in the book until its cancellation a year later.

Review Links: 
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 64 - "Acts of Vengeance, Part 1: Ghosts of the Past"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 65 - "Acts of Vengeance, Part 2: Claw and Chain"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 66 - "Acts of Vengeance, Part 3: Dancing in the Dark"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 67 - "Acts of Vengeance, Part 4: Uneasy Alliance"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 68 - "Acts of Vengeance, Part 5: Mutants, Ninjas, and Demons"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 69 - "Acts of Vengeance, Part 6: Brass Tactics"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 70 - "Acts of Vengeance, Part 7: Confession is Good for the Soulless"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 71 - "Acts of Vengeance, Part 8: The End"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 90 - "Servants of the Dead, Part 1: Live Underground"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 91 - "Servants of the Dead, Part 2: Chase in the Dark"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 92 - "Servants of the Dead, Part 3: In the Cathedral of the Dead"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 93 - "Servants of the Dead, Part 4: Nothing to Fear"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 94 - "Servants of the Dead, Part 5: Pursuit"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 95 - "Servants of the Dead, Part 6: Shadows"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 96 - "Servants of the Dead, Part 7: The Bride"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 97 - "Servants of the Dead, Part 8: Death's Servant"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 98 - "D'Spryte Times, D'Spryte Measures"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 100 - "Whose Nightmare is It Anyway?"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 101 - "Doorway to Darkness, Part 1: Running"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 102 - "Doorway to Darkness, Part 2: Gathering"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 103 - "Doorway to Darkness, Part 3: Pain"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 104 - "Doorway to Darkness, Part 4: The Other Side"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 105 - "Doorway to Darkness, Part 5: Enter the Realm of Gorn!"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 106 - "Doorway to Darkness, Part 6: The Final Doorway"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 107 - "Return of the Braineaters, Part 1: Bad Moon Rising"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 108 - "Return of the Braineaters, Part 2: Claw and Bone"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 109 - "Return of the Braineaters, Part 3: Battle On the Brooklyn Bridge"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 110 - "Return of the Braineaters, Part 4: Under Cover at the Black Moon Bar and Grill"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 111 - "Return of the Braineaters, Part 5: Roadkill"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 112 - "Return of the Braineaters, Part 6: Showdown"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 113 - "Legion of Vengeance, Part 1: The Night Has a Thousand Eyes!"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 114 - "Legion of Vengeance, Part 2: If The Mind's Eye Offends Thee..."
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 115 - "Legion of Vengeance, Part 3: The Secret of Strontium-90"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 116 - "Legion of Vengeance, Part 4: Our Name is Legion..."
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 117 - "Legion of Vengeance, Part 5: A World of D'Kay"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 118 - "Legion of Vengeance, Part 6: Vengeance is Ours"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 119 - "And Let There Be Light, Part 1: The Door"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 120 - "And Let There Be Light, Part 2: In a Dark Place"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 121 - "And Let There Be Light, Part 3: The Bride of Grimbat"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 122 - "And Let There Be Light, Part 4: The Light Within"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 123 - "The Walking Wounded, Part 1: Soulfeast"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 124 - "The Walking Wounded, Part 2: Stir the Soup"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 125 - "The Walking Wounded, Part 3: Innocent Blood"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 126 - "The Walking Wounded, Part 4: Jerk the Bait"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 127 - "The Walking Wounded, Part 5: Seal the Deal"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 128 - "The Walking Wounded, Part 6: Roll the Bones"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 129 - "The Walking Wounded, Part 7: Peak the Pathos"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 130 - "The Walking Wounded, Part 8: Pay the Maker"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 131 - "Passion Crimes, Part 1: Heart and Soul"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 132 - "Passion Crimes, Part 2: Love Connection"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 133 - "Passion Crimes, Part 3: Emotional Rescue"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 134 - "Passion Crimes, Part 4: Fuel For Love"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 135 - "Passion Crimes, Part 5: Heartbreaking"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 136 - "Passion Crimes, Part 6: Heartbeaten"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 137 - "Fellow Travelers, Part 1: Rage of Honor"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 138 - "Fellow Travelers, Part 2: Lightning Swords of Death"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 139 - "Fellow Travelers, Part 3: Fangs of Fury"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 140 - "Fellow Travelers, Part 4: Throne of Blood"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 141 - "Fellow Travelers, Part 5: Army of Darkness"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 142 - "Fellow Travelers, Part 6: Red Dawn"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 143 - "Siege of Darkness, Part 3: Treachery"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 144 - "Siege of Darkness, Part 6: Treachery Redeemed"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 145 - "Siege of Darkness, Part 11: Speakeasy"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 146 - "Siege of Darkness, Part 14: Masks"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 147 - "Tower of Blood"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 148 - "Vengeance Forsaken"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 149 - "The Price"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 150 - "Bloody Mary: A Battle of the Sexes, Part 1: Fractured Fairy Tales"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 151 - "Bloody Mary: A Battle of the Sexes, Part 2: Quite Contrary"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 152 - "Dangerous Games, Part 1"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 153 - "Dangerous Games, Part 2: Urban Safari"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 154 - "Dangerous Games, Part 3: Hunter's Prey"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 155 - "Dangerous Games, Part 4: Targets"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 156 - "Altered Spirits, Part 1"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 157 - "Altered Spirits, Part 2: Souls of Suffering"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 158 - "Altered Spirits, Part 3: Fire and Blood"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 159 - "Altered Spirits, Part 4: True Spirit"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 160 - "Diabolique, Part 1: Kidstuff"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 161 - "Diabolique, Part 2: What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 162 - "Diabolique, Part 3: The Sorceresses' Apprentice"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 163 - "Diabolique, Part 4: The Test"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 164 - "Once and Future Spirits"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 165 - "Power Play"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 166 - "Tempered Steel"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 167 - "Old Time Religion"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 168 - "Ghost vs. the Machine"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 169 - "Fallen Idols"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 170 - "Shrinking to Nothing"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 171 - "Identity Crisis"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 172 - "I Found My Heart In San Francisco"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 173 - "Diabolical Designs"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 174 - "Gone Wild"
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) # 175 - "Final Gambit"

Ghost Rider Chronology: 1990-1991
Ghost Rider Chronology: 1992-1993
Ghost Rider Chronology: 1994-1995

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