THE CHAMPIONS (1975-1978)
Possibly the oddest line-up of characters for a superhero team in comic history, the Champions brought Ghost Rider into a group with Hercules, the Black Widow, Iceman, and the Angel. The series was widely regarded as a massive failure, but is also fondly remembered for the sheer zaniness of the stories and characters.
Review Links:
The Champions (1975) # 1 - "The World Still Needs...the Champions!"
The Champions (1975) # 2 - "Whom the Gods Would Destroy!"
The Champions (1975) # 3 - "Assault On Olympus"
The Champions (1975) # 4 - "Murder at Malibu!"
The Champions (1975) # 7 - "The Man Who Created the Black Widow!"
The Champions (1975) # 8 - "Divide and Conquer!"
The Champions (1975) # 9 - "The Battle of Los Angeles!"
The Champions (1975) # 10 - "One Man's Son is Another Man's Poison!"
The Champions (1975) # 11 - "The Shadow From the Stars"
The Champions (1975) # 12 - "Did Someone Say...the Stranger?"
The Champions (1975) # 13 - "The Doom That Went on Forever!"
The Champions (1975) # 14 - "The Creature Called...Swarm!"
The Champions (1975) # 15 - "Death Drone!"
The Champions (1975) # 16 - "A World Lost!"
The Champions (1975) # 17 - "The Sentinels Hunt Again!"
Ghost Rider Chronology: Flashbacks, 1972-1975
Ghost Rider Chronology: 1976-1979
Ghost Riding Into the Sunset, Part 2: Marvel Spotlight and the Champions
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