Following the end of the western Ghost Rider's series, the character was folded into an anthology series alongside other cowboy characters. Ghost Rider was the lead feature for the first seven issues, and the series is notable for featuring the death of Carter Slade and introduction of Lincoln Slade as the next Ghost Rider.
Western Gunfighters (1970) # 1 - "Return of the Tarantula!"
Western Gunfighters (1970) # 2 - "Tarantula No More!"
Western Gunfighters (1970) # 3 - "The Man Called Hurricane"
Western Gunfighters (1970) # 4 - "The Gunhawk...the Killer...and the Ghost Rider!"
Western Gunfighters (1970) # 5 - "The Time of the Gunhawk!"
Western Gunfighters (1970) # 6 - "Now Rides the Pale Horseman"
Western Gunfighters (1970) # 7 - "Never Say Die!"
Ghost/Night/Phantom Rider Chronology
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