Here Comes HELL!

So, with the podcast now actually happening (first episode is in the can, next one scheduled for recording in about two weeks!), I've been thinking about future projects.  The blog will continue on as always, though the updates might not be daily anymore since I'm focusing more time on the podcast preparation and editing processes.  Eventually, I'm going to make my way all the way through the past comics, though, and that gave me an idea.

How many of you would be interested in seeing Vengeance Unbound in book format? 

I've been considering the self-publishing route to get the hundreds of comic reviews into physical book form, sort of my own version of the Ghost Rider Official Index that Marvel released a few years ago.  I'd likely have to break it down into volumes, say one for the 70s series, one for the 90s, and one for the 2000s and up.  It would be print-on-demand, obviously, so printing fees would be minimal.  Even if no one else is interested, having something like this on my own personal bookshelf would be an awesome accomplishment.  I've been working on these reviews for over 10 years now, and damn it I WILL finish what I started and review every Ghost Rider comic published.

That said, the blog's 400th review is coming up in the next week or so, and I've been trying to think of an appropriate comic to look back at for such a monumental number.  Should I look at "Crossroads"?  "Ghost Rider/Captain America: Fear"?  "The Dark Design", even?  This will take more thought, methinks...

Anyway, that's the shop talk out of the way.  Brian and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Inner Demons after the first episode is released, look for it some time in March.  Here we are, eagerly anticipating the podcast launch!

Chris and Brian: The Brothers Ghost Rider!

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